Monday, July 7, 2008


This evening all of us travelers and few other kinds soles gathered in the Jack and Judy's back yard to pack all of our group belongings. In other words, all of the stuff the so many people have been kind enough to donate for us to take as gifts to the people of Magome and various other groups around Iringa. Thank you for all of your donations!

The good news is that with a lot of scrunching things down to force the air out, some clever packing, and a little good luck, we were able to pack all of it (see the picture from my previous post) into 10 pieces of luggage. We are limited to a weight of 50 pounds per bag and every one of the bags is within 2-3 pounds of the limit.

Everyone was in good spirits and is very excited for our trip. I'm sure tomorrow will fly by as we run our final errands before we leave on Wednesday morning.

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